Scan QR:
1. Open your mobile app;
2. Choose currency;
3. Pick "Send";
4. Pick "Scan QR", show QR what you see on this site to the camera;
5. Enter “Amount” - the sum what you want to contribute;
6. Press “Send” (Probably your wallet ask you to confirm transaction. Press “Confirm”).
Copy address OR Follow the link:
1. Now select and copy address (press “Ctrl+C” (CMD+C for macOS));
2. Follow to your wallet, choose “Send funds”;
3. Pick to “Recipient address” line and Paste address (press “Ctrl+V” (CMD+V for macOS));
4. Enter “Amount” - the sum what you want to contribute;
5. Press “Send” (Probably your wallet ask you to confirm transaction. Press “Confirm”).